Source code for whalrus.ballots.ballot_one_name

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright Sylvain Bouveret, Yann Chevaleyre and François Durand,,

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import logging
from whalrus.ballots.ballot import Ballot
from whalrus.utils.utils import cached_property, NiceSet
from whalrus.priorities.priority import Priority

[docs]class BallotOneName(Ballot): """ A ballot in a mono-nominal context (typically plurality or veto). Parameters ---------- b : candidate or None None stands for abstention. candidates : set The candidates that were available at the moment when the voter cast her ballot. Examples -------- >>> ballot = BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}) >>> print(ballot) a >>> ballot = BallotOneName(None, candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}) >>> print(ballot) None """ # Core features: ballot and candidates # ==================================== def __init__(self, b: object, candidates: set=None): self.candidate = b self._input_candidates = candidates super().__init__() @cached_property def candidates(self) -> NiceSet: if self._input_candidates is None: if self.candidate is None: logging.debug('The list of candidates was not explicitly given. Using the empty set instead.') return NiceSet() else: logging.debug('The list of candidates was not explicitly given. Using singleton {%s} instead.' % self.candidate) return NiceSet({self.candidate}) return NiceSet(self._input_candidates) @cached_property def candidates_in_b(self) -> NiceSet: """NiceSet: The candidate that is explicitly mentioned in the ballot. This is a singleton with the only candidate contained in the ballot (or an empty set in case of abstention). Examples -------- >>> BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}).candidates_in_b {'a'} >>> BallotOneName(None, candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}).candidates_in_b {} """ if self.candidate is None: return NiceSet() else: return NiceSet({self.candidate}) @cached_property def candidates_not_in_b(self) -> NiceSet: """NiceSet: The candidates that were available at the moment of the vote, but are not explicitly mentioned in the ballot. Examples -------- >>> BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}).candidates_not_in_b {'b', 'c'} """ return NiceSet(self.candidates - {self.candidate}) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Equality test. Parameters ---------- other : object Returns ------- bool True iff this ballot is equal to `other`. In particular, they must have the same type. Examples -------- >>> BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}) == 'a' False >>> BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}) == BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b'}) False >>> BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}) == BallotOneName('b', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}) False """ if type(self) != type(other): return False # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return self.candidates == other.candidates and self.candidate == other.candidate # Representation # ============== def __repr__(self) -> str: return '%s(%s, candidates=%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.candidate), repr(self.candidates)) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.candidate) # Restrict the ballot # ===================
[docs] def restrict(self, candidates: set=None, **kwargs) -> 'BallotOneName': """ Restrict the ballot to less candidates. Parameters ---------- candidates : set of candidates It can be any set of candidates, not necessarily a subset of ``self.candidates``). Default: ``self.candidates``. kwargs * `priority`: a :class:`Priority`. Default: :attr:`Priority.UNAMBIGUOUS`. Returns ------- BallotOneName The same ballot, "restricted" to the candidates given. Examples -------- >>> BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b'}).restrict(candidates={'b'}) BallotOneName('b', candidates={'b'}) >>> BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}).restrict(candidates={'b', 'c'}, ... priority=Priority.ASCENDING) BallotOneName('b', candidates={'b', 'c'}) """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences priority = kwargs.pop('priority', Priority.UNAMBIGUOUS) if kwargs: raise TypeError("restrict() got an unexpected keyword argument %r" % list(kwargs.keys())[0]) if candidates is None: return self if self.candidate in candidates: return self.__class__(self.candidate, NiceSet(self.candidates & candidates)) return self._restrict(restricted_candidates=NiceSet(self.candidates & candidates), priority=priority)
def _restrict(self, restricted_candidates: NiceSet, priority: Priority) -> 'BallotOneName': """ Auxiliary function of `restrict`. Here, it is assumed that `self.candidate` is not in `restricted_candidates`, hence there is really a decision to make. Parameters ---------- restricted_candidates : NiceSet A subset of `self.candidates`. priority : Priority Returns ------- BallotOneName The restricted ballot. """ return self.__class__(priority.choice(restricted_candidates), candidates=restricted_candidates) # First and last candidates # =========================
[docs] def first(self, candidates: set=None, **kwargs) -> object: """ The first (= most liked) candidate. In this parent class, by default, the ballot is considered as a plurality ballot, i.e. the candidate indicated is the most liked. Parameters ---------- candidates : set of candidates kwargs * `priority`: a :class:`Priority`. Default: :attr:`Priority.UNAMBIGUOUS`. Returns ------- candidate The first (= most liked) candidate. Examples -------- >>> BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}).first() 'a' >>> BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}).first(candidates={'b', 'c'}, ... priority=Priority.ASCENDING) 'b' """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences priority = kwargs.pop('priority', Priority.UNAMBIGUOUS) if kwargs: raise TypeError("first() got an unexpected keyword argument %r" % list(kwargs.keys())[0]) restricted = self.restrict(candidates=candidates, priority=priority) return restricted.candidate
[docs] def last(self, candidates: set=None, **kwargs) -> object: """ The last (= most disliked) candidate. In this parent class, by default, the ballot is considered as a plurality ballot, i.e. the candidate indicated is the most liked. Parameters ---------- candidates : set of candidates kwargs * `priority`: a :class:`Priority`. Default: :attr:`Priority.UNAMBIGUOUS`. Returns ------- candidate The last (= most disliked) candidate. Examples -------- >>> BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b'}).last() 'b' >>> BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}).last(priority=Priority.ASCENDING) 'c' """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences priority = kwargs.pop('priority', Priority.UNAMBIGUOUS) if kwargs: raise TypeError("last() got an unexpected keyword argument %r" % list(kwargs.keys())[0]) restricted = self.restrict(candidates=candidates, priority=priority) if restricted.candidate is None: return None bottom_indifference_class = restricted.candidates_not_in_b return priority.choice(bottom_indifference_class, reverse=True)