class svvamp.ProfileFromFile(file_name, sort_candidates=False, sort_voters=False)[source]#

Profile from a file.

  • file_name (str) – The name of the file.

  • sort_candidates (bool) – If True, then candidates are sorted, first by number of victories (in the matrix of victories), then by Borda score.

  • sort_voters (bool) – Whether the voters should be sorted. Cf. Profile.


  • If the file name ends with ‘.cvr.csv’ (cvr = Cast Vote Records): first row gives the column headers. The last headers are ‘rank1’, ‘rank2’, etc. Each row represents a voter. In the column ‘rank1’, the name of her most-liked candidate, etc.

  • If the file name ends with ‘.t.csv’ (t = transposed format): simple table of utilities with candidates declared in the first column and voters declared in the first row.

  • If the file name ends with ‘.csv’ (but not ‘.t.csv’), candidates must be declared in the first row and voters in the first column.

  • Otherwise, the file is considered as a PrefLib file.

For CVR and PrefLib files, since the information is ordinal only, preferences_ut[v, c] is set to the Borda score (with no vtb) minus (C - 1) / 2. This way, utilities are between - (C - 1) / 2 and (C - 1) / 2.